- Chemical Buzz -
Ptjaa. den funkar nog en sommar till! :D
nu ska jag fixa den siiista tvätten (fucking finally) å packa lite till, suck.
sen blir det väl dusch å kanske en sväng till herrhagen. we'll see. :) Peace!
Don’t try to tell me what’s not right
That kind of thing is just a state of mind
Don’t talk to me about natural highs
I’m a one track mind kind of guy
Chemical buzz
Don’t try to tell me what’s not real
I’ve seen it all and it’s no big deal
This kind of kick doesn’t lose its appeal
So let me tell you how it makes me feel
Chemical buzz
Don’t try to tell me what’s not true
I ain’t gonna do what you want me to do
This world is full of people just like you
You play the game but you were born to lose
Chemical buzz
nu ska jag fixa den siiista tvätten (fucking finally) å packa lite till, suck.
sen blir det väl dusch å kanske en sväng till herrhagen. we'll see. :) Peace!
Don’t try to tell me what’s not right
That kind of thing is just a state of mind
Don’t talk to me about natural highs
I’m a one track mind kind of guy
Chemical buzz
Don’t try to tell me what’s not real
I’ve seen it all and it’s no big deal
This kind of kick doesn’t lose its appeal
So let me tell you how it makes me feel
Chemical buzz
Don’t try to tell me what’s not true
I ain’t gonna do what you want me to do
This world is full of people just like you
You play the game but you were born to lose
Chemical buzz
å alla som alltid frågar vad amuletterna runt min hals betyder, hittade den ena lappen häromdagen:
IN decorative form. Pitagorian sign symbolisning mathematical solution of thing impossible or
extremely difficult, like considered as such geometrical matters unable to be put in formulas and
schemata. By writing in the circle various geomtric figures, espcially squares and triangles.
It was tried to calculate for example sphere area or circle line lenght.
More effiecent methods were soon discovered but the figures remained as a symbol and represent solution of
hopeless human problems, difficult matters and though problems.
den jag köpte idag:
KNOT of longevity without beginning or ending derived from religion of Far East Buddhism.
Symbolises infinity and magical eternity preserving what is most precious and valuable.
It represents lucky diagram and energetic balance indispensable for human to lead healthy and
happy life. Philosophically it means desire to discover the mystery of immortality, eternal
youth and beauty. It also signifies souls' roaming, giving hope for rebirth and provides
state of soul similar to nirvana - happiness and satisfaction in life.
tredje är borta, men ska typ hjälpa till i dom vardagliga problemen å leda till harmonitet.
ska se om jag hittar hela beskrivningen till den med ngn dag. :)
Towel Boy Toy it is. ;)

ngt har man iaf åstadkommit ikväll, haha.
Färgen är dock mkt snyggare i dagsljus, lyyyser gör den. :)
(nya ringen med) <3
Spend it.
Dagens Shopping btw:
- Eldopalen -
Palestinasjal, svart/vit eftersom den gamla fått fötter.. >_<
Ytterligare en amulett
Nag Champa
silverring med en älva på
- Kicks -
2 nya nagellack: Towel Boy Toy, go turkos som torkar übersnabbt å Purple with a Purpose, lila såklart.
ett pkt lösnaglar, Depends Luxury French Design
- H&M -
ett par svarta, korta shorts
silverglittrig ögonskugga från L'Oreal
ny eyeliner från Max Factor
ett par lila å ett par svarta örhängen, vanliga stora ringar
- Lindex -
2 par spets hotpants lila/svarta + ett par svarta spetssaker
svart matchande spets BH
så lite har man hunnit spendera idag ändå. ^^
New Order. <3

Beställt! Turquoise, Carnation Pink å Plum (den vanliga) + vit toning å dessa godingar
allt från Odium. :)
Snart blir det flytt!
Mamma åkte hem idag med, hon har varit å hälsat på i två dagar, mysigt. :)
Saknar min goding som fan, blir å ses snart igen hoppas jag! <3
peace ouuut!
Update to Purple again.
Friday with Friends. <3
tack för dom söta kommentarerna. :)
hinner inte dir blogga nu, men försöker å lova å å komma med en längre update i helgen.
still alive though! ;)
Peace ppl!
so lost
MYCKET tankar. en del panik.
åh jag orkar inte,
vad håller jag på med?
kan någon hjälpa till?
vilken riktining ska jag gå?
hur ska jag orka?
gör mig stark igen...? snälla?